

8 oz for $56.00 ($0.2469/gram)

product_url https://www.bigshoulderscoffee.com/products/panama-gesha

Description from Big Shoulders:

"I know what you’re thinking. Yes, it’s ridiculously expensive. And you’re not wrong when you compare it to swill. Let me break this down though. I just made a 16 ounce Chemex with 1-ounce of this coffee using that formula you’ll yield 8 enjoyable sessions that cost $7 each. When I could sit in a bar, I wouldn’t bat an eye at an $8 IPA or a $12 glass of wine or a $16 bourbon….and I’d savor every sip. Often times I’m guilty of chugging my coffee (as well as my beer). Sitting here however, and sipping this cup, I allow my senses to evolve with the coffee as it cools and transforms revealing complex Darjeeling-like spice, elegant citrus, and a luxurious finish. From Price Peterson’s famous farm. We are honored/stoked to be able to work with this coffee once again. This is a limited time offering that we will only be roasting in very small quantities. Remarkably floral, Intense honeysuckle sweetness offset by Mandarin orange. This is an extraordinary coffee cultivated at one of the world’s most famous farms. 8-ounces. ROASTS MONDAYS UNTIL IT IS GONE…And I’m imploring you, whole bean only, please."