
Recherche Merlot Wine Grape Vineyard Coffee by Old Chicago Coffee

10.3 oz for $330.00 ($1.1301/gram)

product_url https://www.oldchicagocoffee.com/recherche-merlot-wine-grape-vineyard-coffee-p-50.html

Description from Old Chicago Coffee:

"Recherché Coffee, utilizing a trade secret process of planting, storage, processing and roasting. The rarest coffee in the world, and the most expensive coffee due to its limited availability. Imagine coffee plants growing within fine wine vineyards, sharing soil and flavors in between. Availability is more scarce than other expensive coffees such as Kopi Luwak and Black Ivory. Flavor profiles exceed all other coffees with the strong hints of Merlot grapes, bringing out heavy flavors of blackberries, cherries and plums. Flavors are real, not artificial. Coffee is all natural. A rare coffee with superb taste that is hard to get. We don't have this very often. Superb taste while hot, at room temperature or slightly chilled. A fine compliment to any elegant dinner in place of wine, or with an early morning breakfast. Suitable for drinking in a common mug when hot or a wine glass when chilled. A most exquisite coffee that yields as little as 100 LBS per year making this fine cup extremely rare. Sourced from a small family farm with very little acreage, but more unique than any other. Not available in stores. Package Size: 10.3 Oz. FREE DELIVERY! Notes: Kopi Luwak coffee is made from animal feces (of the Civet Cat) . The process is not kind to animals where they have become a commercial commodity for mass production. Black Ivory coffee is also made this way using Elephants. Recherché Coffee has nothing to do with animals at all. It is purely farming and nature that produce this most distinct flavorful coffee. Quite possibly the best coffee you've never had."