
Nicaragua Finca El Pastoral - Light Roast by Maple Leaf Coffee Roasters

12 oz for $14.79 ($0.0435/gram)

product_url https://mapleleafroasters.store/products/nicaragua-finca-el-pastoral-natural-light-roast

Description from Maple Leaf Coffee Roasters:

"We normally roast Nicaraguan coffees to a dark point to surface the fuller bodied, smoky tones. This natural processed Nicaraguan coffee is a real change of pace in our usual light roast category and poses a stark contrast to the typical African coffees we have in this slot. One whiff of these beans and the fruity, melon tones will strike you right away. You’ll pick up a hint of smoke but not enough to stick with you very long. The coffee has a juicy, watermelon and chocolate, bordering on white chocolate, flavor. Notably, this will have a rich finish in comparison to other light roast African coffees we normally feature. WHERE THIS COFFEE WORKS We feel the bright yet rich flavor on this coffee makes a great any time of day drinker and a wonderful way to see you through the end of the summer season. You’ll love the light, fruity, refreshing taste along with the juicy, fuller bodied finish. SUGGESTED PREPARATION This coffee is would work great in a pour over, classic drip or French press."