
Special Edition Honduran Princess Diana - Medium Roast by Maple Leaf Coffee Roasters

16 oz for $16.99 ($0.0375/gram)

product_url https://mapleleafroasters.store/collections/holiday-package/products/special-edition-honduran-princesa-diana

Description from Maple Leaf Coffee Roasters:

"Our Third Year with Honduran Coffee Alliance We are super excited to feature an HCA coffee for the third year in a row and our first year with a repeat option! We’re happy to bring back the same coffee we showcased last year — Honduran Princess Diana! We think that the coffee is even better this year and will make a solid contribution to your holiday season. THE COFFEE This is a super tasty, honey processed coffee which has a unique quality of roasting darker at lighter temperature points — meaning we roasted this to a light level but the appearance and flavor are more in line with a medium roast. HOW DOES IT TASTE The coffee has a smooth, sweetness with baker's chocolate notes along with a mild citrus flavor. The coffee has a refreshingly rich finish. Overall, we have found the flavor to be very refreshing and easy to drink. FARM DETAILS Producer: Edwin Alberto Nicolas Morales Cooperative: CAFESA Farm Name: Finca La Diana Farm Location: El Esfuerzo (town), San José (city), La Paz (department/region) Farm Size: 8.4 hectares Varietals: Catuaí, Icatu, Lempira, Marogojipe, Parainema Processing: Washed, honey and natural processing Drying: Solar driers with mesh beds Elevation: 1480m-1600m Farm characteristics: ~40% native hardwood tree shade – Wide variety of trees including guama, banana, acacia, cedar, gravileo, and orange trees 2021-2022 Estimated Production: Up to 40 bags of 69 kg of specialty coffee MICROLOT DETAILS Variety: Catuaí, Lempira Process: Honey FARM / PRODUCER STORY: Edwin grew up in the same coffee mountains where he now has his farm and is a 3rd generation coffee farmer. He went to a university on the other side of the country to study agronomy and there met his wife Maria Emilia. After university, they moved back to manage the coffee farm that he had inherited and also bought a farm under Maria’s name on the other side of the road. Their farms are surrounded by family – four of Edwin’s siblings and many cousins have farms in the area. The farm was thriving for many years until the rust disease destroyed their entire farm in 2008. The following years were extremely difficult as they had to take out loans to renovate the farm and wait until the trees were ready to harvest again. They have had many other challenges due to climate challenges and low prices but have persevered and now have a great coffee farm again. Maria and Edwin have three kids (18, 16, and 6 years old) and are starting to invest more and more in their farms. Edwin attended a training on different processing methods to produce quality coffee in 2015 and since has been experimenting with different processing methods and excited about producing great microlots. Each year, he makes a washed, honey and natural microlot but the honey process seems to be his most successful process. He says the key is to select only red, ripe cherries and conduct a meticulous process of moving the coffee every 15 minutes for the first three days of sun-drying on mesh beds. Edwin and María credit the CAFESA cooperative that they were founding members of for helping them to thrive again as coffee farmers. The farmers in the area have banded together and support each other and have reached out to other organizations to receive many trainings including a focus on using organic fertilizers. The 2020-2021 harvest was challenging due to the increasingly frequent climate challenges and labor shortages. The hurricanes lead to excess rain and cold but luckily it mainly affected the first picking and not the main second picking. Many farm workers have emigrated or were very nervous to work due to the pandemic, adding to the on-going challenge of having sufficient personnel. The quality of his coffee was slightly lower than previous years, but he is very confident he will be able to increase his quality again going into this harvest."