12 oz for $18.00 ($0.0529/gram)
product_url https://www.bcbccoffeeroasters.com/product-page/papua-new-guinea-sigri-estate-light-roast-12-oz-bag
"ORGIN: Papua New Guinea Eastern Highlands PROCESS: fully washed ALTITUDE: 1,700 to 1,850 meters above sea level CUPPING NOTES: lavender, pineapple, organge, sweet Colbran Coffelands, established by Ben Colbran and now run by his son, Nichol Colbran, has pioneered growing coffee in Papua New Guinea’s (PNG) Eastern Highlands. This coffee, sourced from the Estate and surrounding farms, has a delicate, tea-like mouthfeel and long aftertaste and is a great value. Certified Fairtrade"