
Swiss Water Decaf Ethiopian Yirgacheffe by EVERYBODY'S COFFEE

5 lb for $60.00 ($0.0265/gram)

product_url https://roaster.everybodyscoffee.com/store/p61/decaf-ethiopia.html#/


Description from EVERYBODY'S COFFEE:

"We love our decaf coffee. Sourced from the Wote Konga region of Ethiopia Yirgacheffe. This Swiss Water Process uses pure green coffee extract and proprietary carbon technology to remove caffeine from green coffee beans. The Swiss Water Process is certified organic and 100% chemical free. In addition, they are also certified Kosher by the Kosher Overseers Association. We are tasting a balanced flavor of chocolate, caramel and sweet cherry. Konga is a village (kebele) in Yirgacheffe district, in the ‘Southern Nations, Nationalities & Peoples’ (SNNP) region of Ethiopia. Over a number of years the region has developed a distinguised reputation for fine coffees, producing some of the most sought-after microlots in the world. The combination of high altitude (up to 2,200m in some areas), fertile soil, consistent and plentiful rains, and an abundance of local knowledge are all contributing factors to the high status of Yirgacheffe coffees. The indigenous ‘heirloom’ varietals - which grow wild in Ethiopia - are responsible for the unique flavour notes which make for an unusual but beautifully refined cup, characterised by strong citric acidity, sweet chocolate and floral/ herbal notes of lavender, jasmine, bergamot and thyme."