12 oz for $20.00 ($0.0588/gram)
product_url https://www.bigshoulderscoffee.com/coffee/p/sumatra
"The larger region of Bener Meriah produces about 60% of Aceh’s total volume. Most coffee from here is naturally organic, as the land includes a lot of large shade trees. This reduces the need for heavy vegetable intercropping, which often results in more pesticides being used on a farm. This is a classic cup of Sumatra, but cleaner. With a lower acidity, you are able to focus on the predominately chocolate profile with spice notes of red bell pepper and a cedar. Floral, then tobacco-like aftertaste. Coffee Details Colombia_ColorEdit_30544.jpg Location Mansur Bener Meriah, Aceh, Sumatra Elevation 1200 - 1500 MASL Weight 12 oz, 5 lb Roast Medium Varietals Bourbon, Typica Process Wet Hulled"